Market Orders

Target exchanges rates which allow your funds to be automatically converted if achieved.

How it works

Achieve favourable exchange rates by strategically targeting a desired exchange rate. When the market order is placed, it will be automatically fulfilled at any given time during trading hours. This will stop you from constantly monitoring the exchange rates.


John is looking to exchange 200,000 Us dollars into Canadian dollars for a property purchase. John would like an exchange rate of 1.28 and places a market order good till cancel. Due to the overnight currency volatility, at 2 am in the morning, the spot market reaches 1.28 and $200,000 is automatically exchanged into Canadian dollars for John.

How market orders can help you

Target favourable rates

Target a more favourable exchange rate than the prevailing spot market.

Build your FX Strategy

Build and incorporate market orders into your foreign exchange strategy to increase your overall average exchange rate.

Piece of mind

Give yourself some piece of mind by targeting realistic exchange rates. You won’t have to monitor the currency markets as closely.

Increase profitability

Targeting a better exchange rate can help increase any profits on currency transactions.

Other products

  • Spot transactions

    Simply secure your exchange rate “on the spot” ready to receive your currency.

  • Forward contracts

    Secure an exchange rate for a period of time for protection from adverse currency movements.

  • Online platform

    Exchange your currency and make payments during the working week wherever you are.
