Renewable energy foreign exchange solutions

Our solutions are designed to effectively manage currency risk within the renewable energy sector.

How we can help

The renewable energy sector is often exposed to currency risks due to its global operations, procurement of materials, and financing of projects. At Centura FX, our team of experts understands the unique challenges faced by the renewable energy sector and provides strategies to manage currency risk. By offering competitive exchange rates and tailored solutions, we help companies reduce currency volatility and focus on their core business operations, allowing them to meet consumer demands and grow their business successfully.

Competitive exchange rates

Through our partners we have access to multiple banking liquidity providers. This enables us to offer you competitive exchange rates.

FX Strategies

We implement strategies that help protect your business from currency fluctuations and minimise losses.

Flexible hedging facilities

Your business can benefit from flexible hedging facilities that allow you to draw down as and when required.

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How it works

Register for free

Register for a free account by completing our online form. It will only take a minute.

Secure exchange rate

Once your account is set-up, agree an exchange rate with us by phone, email or online.

Deposit funds

Once we’ve your exchanged your currency, you’ll need to deposit your funds at a credit institution with one of our FCA-regulated Partners.

Send your payment

As soon as your funds are received, payments can be made to your desired beneficiary.


  • Spot transactions

    Simply secure your exchange rate “on the spot” ready to receive your currency.

  • Market orders

    Target favourable exchange rates by setting a desired rate you’d like to achieve. If reached, this is fulfilled automatically.

  • Forward contracts

    Secure an exchange rate for a period of time for protection against adverse currency movements.

  • Online platform

    Exchange your currency and make payments during the working week wherever you are.
