Our Partnership programme

Add value to your clients whilst strengthening your brand.

Why join our partnership programme

Whether you’re referring individuals or businesses to us, we will provide you with several advantages. Your clients can benefit from our services and you can bolster your brand whilst earning additional income.

Additional value to your clients

Enhance the importance our your service and show your clients additional value.

Additional revenue stream

Utilize our partnership programme by generating an additional income stream whilst adding value to clients.

Strengthen your brand

By letting your clients know that you’re always thinking of them, you’ll continue to grow your business and enhance your brand.


You will have a dedicated account manager that comes with tons of experience. They will manage all of your clients needs.

How it works

Register for free

Register for a free account by completing our online form. It will only take a minute

Refer Clients

Let us save your clients money and strengthen your brand by way of a referral.

Earn Commission

For every referral earn commission when they use our services. We’ll provide you with regular statements for transparency.

Our products for your clients

  • Spot transactions

    Simply secure your exchange rate “on the spot” ready to receive your currency.

  • Market orders

    Target favourable exchange rates by setting a desired rate you’d like to achieve. If reached, this is fulfilled automatically.

  • Forward contracts

    Secure an exchange rate for a period of time for protection against adverse currency movements.

  • Online & API Solutions

    Exchange your currency and make payments during the working week wherever you are.
